11 December 2009

3.3 - Fall of the Lich King

A litle late but here it is. The death knight patch new for 3.3. Make sure you check out the killer patch trailer.

While not much has changed as far as are class goes, the increas threat on RS should prouve to be a nice buff for us DK tanks. Also with the addition of 1 hander version of  "Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle" called "Rune of the Nerubian Carapace" will we see the rise of the dual-wield Death Knight? Here are the DK specific patch notes for more detailed changes and the youTube version of the patch trailer.

30 November 2009

WoW auction tool

Not really related to DKs. I was reading WoWRaid.com's new as I do every morning and came across their post about a new out of game auction tool. You can find this new tool at http://www.wowoah.com/.

I played with the tool for a bit and found it very powerful. Definitely worth checking it out.

22 September 2009

Patch 3.2.2 - Buffs?

First thing first, Onyxia is back! Now on to Death Knight news. As far as I can tell we seam to have a pretty nice patch, as far as DKs go, this time around. We see some buffing on the tanking side of things and a small nerf in arenas.

Patch notes:
  • Frost Presence: The damage reduction granted by this ability has been increased from 5% to 8%.
  • Pets
    • Gnaw: This death knight ghoul ability now has a 1-minute cooldown.
  • Talents
    • Blood
      • Heart Strike: Secondary targets of Heart Strike now take half as much damage.
      • Subversion: Now also increases the critical strike chance of Scourge Strike by 3/6/9%.
      • Vampiric Blood: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute and duration reduced to 10 seconds.
    • Frost
      • Threat of Thassarian now also causes Rune Strike to use both weapons when dual-wielding.
      • Unbreakable Armor: Cooldown reduced to 1 minute and changed back to granting 25% additional armor while active instead of flat damage reduction based on armor. The amount of strength granted has been reduced to 10%.
    • Unholy
      • Bone Shield: This ability now has 3 charges instead of 4. Cooldown reduced to 1 minute.
      • Dirge: This talent no longer grants additional runic power from using Obliterate.
So what do you guys think of these changes? Let us know in the comment section.

09 September 2009

3.2 Unholy Tank Spec

Finding topics to blog about is alot harder then I first realized.

I started a thread on my guild's forums a few days back for an unholy tank spec. While I got some good feedback from a friend there I wanted to get some more public feedback. I'm going to make a copy of the discussion here feel free to comment on it.

Here is the spec I'm thinking of. Please make sure to also look over at the glyph section.
The only point I'm not too sure about so far is the 1 on UB. But I'm sure some of you here will break this spec down and offer valuable advice :D .

Oh Tusam... When will you learn that Unholy is just not as good as either of the other two trees for tanking? lol

With that being said I've made a few modifications to your spec if you're dead set on Unholy. Explanations first, than my take on the spec.

Scent of blood: Unholy is generally more an AoE tank spec than single target, and even with single target tanking you will find that Scent of blood procs constantly and even with only two points, you'll be generating more runic power than you have time to dump in a proper rotation.

Ravenous Dead: It's a good threat talent that scales with your gear, The 3 points here can come out of BCB very easily, as BCB is pretty terrible while using a 2h. A 30% chance once every 2.5 seconds to deal 50% weapon damage? Not worth it at all imo.

Blood Caked Blade: See above.

Night of the Dead/Master of Ghouls: Reducing the cooldown on your pet to 30 seconds isn't really necessary, unfortunately you have to have it maxed in order to get permanent ghoul. Either way, this allows you to have an extra cooldown by saccing your pet every minute for a big heal. (You can argue that you can summon and sac your pet in an emergency situation even without it being permanent, however that's a full GCD to summon it before you can sac for the heal. In most emergency situations, the delay will kill you anyway) Plus who doesn't like having a permanent pet?!

Anti Magic Zone: I see no reason not to get this with the abundance of magical AoE damage in the current raiding environments. Even if you are the only one getting the absorption it's a 75% magical reduction for 10 seconds. The idea here is that Unholy is already short on automatic tools/cooldowns imo, such as Vampiric Blood or Unbreakable Armor, this gives you one more tool to fill that spot or cycle a cooldown on hard mode encounters.

Desolation: I'm not terribly sold on this, as when AoE tanking you are generally going to be using your blood runes on pestilence/blood boil, however it does provide you a little extra threat versus single target encounters, and there aren't any talents that are significantly better than it at this point in the tree.

Wandering Plague: I don't know about you, but raid buffed in tank gear I have somewhere around 16% crit chance which makes this talent practically useless on single target, and I suspect that even while AoE tanking you'd need to have 4+ mobs on you nonstop for it to actually be worthwhile.


Bone Shield: no brainer

Disease: A glyph that isn't terrible for AoE tanking, but absolutely useless for single target situations. Glyph of Scourge Strike gives your SS a 25% chance to refresh your diseases, so while AoE tanking, you can get the same benefit by rotating SS, Pest, Blood boil without the need for IT or PS and On single target allows you to go SS, blood strike, blood strike, DC, DC, repeat for a max threat rotation.

Anti Magic Shell: Again not a terrible glyph, but with AMZ now in the picture you can replace this with a great threat increasing glyph in Glyph of Rune Strike, or if you aren't at the spell hit cap, possibly consider a Glyph of Dark Command as a missed taunt can be an auto wipe.

With all that considered, here is what I believe to be the best overall Unholy tanking spec:


Now get back to work!
No... I will never learn. I love they way unholy DK plays.

I like the spec atro, you brought up some good points.
Atrophos wrote:
Ravenous Dead: It's a good threat talent that scales with your gear, The 3 points here can come out of BCB very easily, as BCB is pretty terrible while using a 2h. A 30% chance once every 2.5 seconds to deal 50% weapon damage? Not worth it at all imo.
I never though of this as a scaling TPS talent.

The only "real" change from my spec to this is Desolation. Once set into my rotation I generate 5k avg TPS(by omen) my snap aggro isn't very good. I'll see what changes Desolation brings to my TPS.

Even as an AoE tank if someone chooses a different target then mine to focus on they rip aggro. Its always been like this for tanks. I was wondering if anyone had pointers on how to address this issue. The only way I can think of is using a marking macro, and mark the focus target. Raid assist is needed for this though.
On Aoe pulls, get your diseases on main target, pestilence, then blood boil like there's no tomorrow while tab targeting for scourge strikes on individual targets in between.

If you DnD, pull, Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Pestilence, you're one blood rune short for blood boil, i ALWAYS use Blood Tap for the extra rune in that situation. Blood boil on pestilenced targets will give you aggro long enough to start tabbing between them.

I left Desolation in, the changes were:

-3 points Wandering Plague
-1 point Scent of Blood
-3 points Blood Caked Blade

+3 points Ravenous Dead
+3 points Night of the Dead/Master of Ghouls
+1 point Anti Magic Zone
Sorry, when I said this...
Tusam wrote:The only "real" change from my spec to this is Desolation.
I meant my in game spec.

As far as AoE goes I guess tabbing through targets would work... still a pain in the ass if a bunch of different people are on different targets.

16 July 2009

Finally good 25 mans

I had a few good attempts at 25 man raid now. I need to say I'm very pleased.

The difficulty curve from 10 mans to 25 mans is not as steep as I thought. I was expecting the bosses to hit harder. There is however something I was not aware of and I'd like to put it out there so others can learn from my experiences. Some bosses in Heroic Ulduar have abilities that the normal mode bosses do not. For example, Auriaya on heroic has an ability called Sentinel Blast that must be interrupted as soon as possible or it will wipe the raid. She does not have this ability in normal mode. As I said just watch out for these "Heroic abilities".

I'd also like to mention that I'm very pleased with the 25 man raiding group we've put together. I wish it upon everyone to have a raiding group like the one exclusion has. Also if your interested in beeing part of this group you can always throw up an application on our recruitment page.

26 June 2009

25 mans, an itch I can't wait to scratch

Due to limited time on wow and the loyalty to my guild, I haven't had many chances to run 25's. I did pug Sartharion once, but we call know that doesn't really count now, does it?

There might be an answer to my call. Our guild recruitment has been going reasonably well. We got a 25 group together but were short a couple of healers, so the recruitment efforts press on.

I'm exited to get into 25s so I can compare it to 10s. Just the raid leading aspect and the fact that 25 people need to be organized. I can't hide the fact that I also like some of that epic lewt. I'm anxiously anticipating our next attempt at 25 man Ulduar this comming Tuesday.

Raid well,

23 June 2009

Panda Cloud Antivirus

This isn't really wow news, but I thought it would be a good idea to share this with everyone. No one can ever be too safe, especially when it's free!

I stumble across this new Anti Virus a while ago. This AV uses a new and, as far as I can tell, unique process. You can read more about that here. It promises to be light weight and easy to use.

I've personally been running this AV for about a month now on all my PCs at home. It is all that it promises to be. I found it to be very light weight and insanely easy to use. I had been using avast prior to this and when comparing the two Panda Cloud AV is better by a long shot. I encourage everyone to give it a try, its worth it.

Download here, http://www.cloudantivirus.com/. Sadly there isn't any 64-bit or windows 7 support yet. Though, it's on the way.

16 June 2009

First post

Recently I was given an opportunity to transfer to a PvE realm and join a 25 man raiding guild with some friends. Well my friends transferred over a few alt characters to test the water, a good thing too. Turns out the guild we were going to raid with was drama ridden and our friends that were in that guild /gquit.

I'm a little glad that this happened as I quite enjoy the people in the guild I currently raid with. Needless to say, for now I'm sticking around on Magtheridon. Still trying to get my friends to transfer this way.